Product Description
2022 Update: For 2022 we are introducing the new Internally Threaded Pattern (ITP) assemblies of the Stemple 76/45 receivers to offer a more streamlined and versatile system with enhanced compatibility among setups. Per this previously approved method of attaching the trunion, separate trunions and bolt guides are no longer necessary for converting between the standard and heavy bolt systems. While these can still be used on the receiver, one trunion now does it all. For example, the previous U9 conversion to the U9 slow fire setup required separate trunions/bolt guides, bolts, stocks, and buffers. In the ITP setup only the stock and buffer assemblies are switched to add mass to the moving parts for lower cycle rates. The bolt and trunion are unchanged. The fire controls, stocks, and mag housings are also unchanged.
The conversion from the U9SF to the U45 in the combination guns is also further simplified by having a much heavier 45 bolt so a second bolt extension is no longer necessary to reduce the cycle rate.
The STG1928 parts are also fully compatible with this setup.
2023 Update: We've recently switched to NiB Battleworn™ plating (dark gray color) on the lower assembly, magazine housing, and barrel jacket. This high performance finish adds greater durability and ease of cleaning compared to the black anodized finish.
U9 Slow Fire (SF) - Adjustable Bolt System
The Slow Fire (SF) utilizes an ultra-smooth adjustable-weight bolt system with hydraulic buffering to dissipate the energy in the recoiling mass during the cycle process. This is an ideal system for shooters looking to maximize suppressor performance by increasing dwell time in the chamber thereby reducing port noise. The cyclic rates with this system are adjustable between 525 to 900 round per minute. Shooters can customize their preferred rates simply by adjusting the bolt parts. At the lowest rate, this gun has a sustained fire of approximately 9 seconds with a 70-rd drum. The Low-Recoil Bolt System is also used for the 45ACP and 7.62x25. These setups utilize AR pattern stocks, AR pattern grips, and multiple Picatinny mount options for maximum versatility.
This gun is also ideal for use with a suppressor. The extra bolt weight drastically slows the initial bolt blow-back thereby significantly reducing port noise common in open-bolt blow-back SMGs.
In 2003, the original inventor, John Stemple collaborated with BRP Corp to make new and replacement parts for the Stemple 76/45 receivers he manufactured prior to the 1986 cutoff. From this came a series of compatible drop-on parts for the unmodified/transferable Stemple 76/45 receivers known as Stemple Takedown Gun (STG) setups. Since nothing is welded or hand fitted to these receivers, changing setups and replacing parts is fast and easy. These are the most finely built and smooth running sub-machine guns on the transferable market. We build them for performance and durability, stock plenty of high-quality spare parts, and provide excellent service. There is only a limited number of these pre-1986 registered/transferable machine guns remaining, so get one while they last.
Parts and Accessories Included With Each Gun: 1 drum, 1 magazine, multi-tool, choice of barrel and shroud setup (sights not included)
If you are going to buy a transferable machine gun for some serious shooting, you should consider the Stemple Takedown Guns for these reasons:
They are ‘new’
Well, the receivers are nearly 40 years old but the Stemple Takedown Gun (STG) setups are complete new parts packages installed on unused pre-1986 transferable Stemple 76/45 machine gun receivers.
Simple / Durable Design
Our guns are very difficult to break and very easy to fix. They are simple blow-back guns and very smooth-running in long full-auto bursts. Some of our customers who own the 9mm guns liken the full-auto performance to a laser beam.
The quick-change barrel system allows for a large variety of shroud and barrel options. By using Picatinny rails (MIL-STD-1913) for sights and hand guards, shooters can add a variety of accessories and optics. The configurations with the Adjustable Bolt System use common AR pattern stocks and grips with hundreds of options currently available.
Easy-to-Replace Parts
There’s nothing on these guns that can’t be easily replaced. We designed this system to protect the registered receiver from any wear during use. The only parts that can wear can be easily replaced without the need to ship the gun back and forth.
Available Service
If you need service, we are here to support our products.
Shoot Cheap Ammo
We typically just shoot steel-cased ammo. Our milled steel trunions easily deal with potential wear issues from any type of ammo.
Capacity and Control
These guns use 70 round drums and are smooth cycling, accurate, and comfortable to hold. It's basically an assault rifle with a sub-caliber setup... a very controllable and accurate gun in full auto. It's so smooth due to the weight, layout, and action; you can actually watch your target being hit through a 4x scope while shooting long bursts. The 'laser beam' performance of this gun makes it one of the most enjoyable full auto guns you'll ever shoot.
Can't Get Too Hot
These are ideal for machine-gun shoots. The low-pressure pistol ammo cannot create enough heat in the barrel to cause a malfunction or damage the gun. There's no gas system to clog, and the open-bolt system negates any cook-off risk.
U9 (SF) Data:
Nickel Boron Plating Aluminum Parts and Bolt
Select-Fire with Quick-Change Barrel
Ultra-smooth adjustable-weight low-recoil bolt system with hydraulic buffering
Cycle Rate: 550-800 adjustable
Magazine: Suomi KP31 25 rd, 36 rd, 50 rd magazines and 40 rd & 70 rd drums
Nickel Boron Plated Bolt and Mag Housing
Weight: 9.3 lbs
Barrel Length: 10.35" threaded .578"-28, 1/2"-28, or 3-lug setup to use common suppressor.
Other barrel options: 12.75" (unthreaded) and 8.5" (threaded 1/2"-28 or unthreaded)
- Hook or Round Charging Handle (no charge)
- Shroud and Barrel Options: Aluminum Shroud in NiB Battleworn , Steel Shroud (blued or parkerized finishes available), or any other 9mm compatible shroud or barrel setup (no charge) (See Chart)
- U9 Mag Housing: Steel or Aluminum (anodized)…. we don’t have any of the Nickel Boron in stock. We’re actually moving the product line to all steel on these housings (no charge)
- Switch to Law Tactical Folding Stock Setup: + $190
- U9 Lower Housing (no charge) or STG34 Lower Housing (+350).
Common Add-Ons (Discounted):
- Add 12.875" Heavy Barrel (not threaded): $160 ($130)
- Add MG08 Pattern Spade Grip Kit: $495 ($420) (only works with the standard U9 Lower Housing, not the STG34)
- Add extra bolt 9mm: $375 ($325)
- Add extra barrel with 3-lug adapter: $210 ($180)
- Add extra 9mm barrel threaded .578”-28: $160 ($130)
- Add extra mainspring $12 ($9.5)
- Add RF-0 fast fire buffer assembly (for use with 9mm only) with ACE folding stock system: $360 ($315)
- Add short Steel Shroud (blued or parkerized finishes available) shroud setup with 8.6" barrel threaded 1/2"-28 or unthreaded 8.3” barrel($325)
Product Videos
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Suppressed shooting standard 9mm 115 gr supersonic vs 9mm 158 ...
U9 slow fire 5 2015
Stemple 76/45, U9 Heavy Bolt / Slow Fire setup
BRP Range Day Oct 2015
MACHINE GUN FUN!!!! Stemple Subguns, MG42, Vickers MMG
Stemple Shoot 2019
Stemple Annual Machine Gun Shoot - July 2019 These are the mo...
STG Universal 2022
Stemple 76/45 U9 Tripod Setup
Stemple 76/45 U9 Slow Fire Setup with a 4xACOG on a BOG tripod...
NEW Subgun! STG U9SF from BRP Corp
Subgun season is just around the corner and I'm so excited to ...
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Product Reviews
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My first MG
I just got my STG U9 slowfire cleared with the ATF and picked up the gun from Scottsdale gun club. I was able to put 350 rounds through it without a hickup. This may be my first MG but I have been privileged to shoot many other MG's... mp-40, MP-5, Sten, Uzi, Mac 11 Lage and a G18. Besides the G18's pure shock and awe... and the fact that they are non transferable, the STG Slow fire is the smoothest shooting, most accurate SMG/ MG that I've ever shot. Brian has been beyond awesome and helpful with all my questions. I'm super happy with the support that BRP provides. If I had the funds I would buy a 2nd one... God gave us two hands for a reason! Akimbo STG's....?
One of the best shooting machine guns ever
I shot the Stemple today. It was as amazing as in the videos that I first saw it in. This is probably the best shooting 9mm machine gun I have ever shot. better than my MP5 and Uzi . It shoots very similarly to my MP40 which I think is one f the best shooting machine guns ever. Thanks again. JB in Forida
Great Gun
I took my gun to Scottsdale Gun Club today. I have 2 buddies with birthdays today and tomorrow. I let them shoot it to their heart's content. They LOVED it. I just wanted you to share in the joy. You make a great gun that is really fun to shoot.
I finally had time today to go to granite state indoor range to try the new sub gun. I brought 10 x 71rd drums (bought from numrich) 5 loaded with 115gr magtech, Remington, federal, sellor & ballot, and Speer lawman, and the other 5 with 124gr versions of the same. (I had started to buy drums and ammo before I committed to buying the gun and haven’t even tried the two drums that came with it.) I left the recoil system as it came, RF-1, no suppressor, and with the exception of one drum having a weak spring and not feeding the 6th to last round from the drum(bumped drum a bit and then remaining 6 all fed fine), I fired 710 rounds at 25 yards full auto with not a single jam, cough, hiccup, or burp. More accurate on full auto than some 9mm carbines I’ve shot. Smooth cycling, very easy to control. I used my Trijicon ACOG 4xRCO. Last but not least, it was actually very easy on the brass, no dented rims or necks. I’ll have no problem reloading for this gun. No regrets whatsoever, almost wish I’d bought 2
AWESOME! EXCEDED my expectations!
I just received possession of my Stemple 76/45 STG Setup. The craftsmanship and quality of the build is impressive! The firing and handling was AWESOME! EXCEDED my expectations ! MY oldest nephew (45yrs), who also appreciates a quality product and a fellow firearm enthusiast, was also praising your product .
First Machine Gun
This is my first machine gun and it is still in Form 4 jail though I have had a chance to shoot it and I am very pleased so far. Brian provides excellent customer service in getting your gun to your dealer; he is always excited to answer questions and talk about his product. I have ran about 500 rounds through it with no failure and it is very pleasant to shoot. Since my dealer wants to hold only the receiver I have not installed any sights though it will hold on a milk jug at about 30 yards by looking over the barrel and watching your splash. I have done this a few times with a full drum cyclic standing unsupported; I can't wait to see what it will do with an optic from the bipod. It appears to be very well made with wearable parts being affordable and accessible, this was a major selling point for me, I want something I can shoot! My only reservations lie with the suppressor, I don't have much experience with them so my expectations may have been too high, though I didn't get the reduction I was anticipating. Even if I replace the suppressor with a higher end one this is still a great package that I am happy I purchased and that I look forward to enjoying for many years! Thanks BRP!
Five plus stars!
I bought the U9SF/U45 package because my first BRP gun which is a STG-76 was just amazing! I bought this package to use the U9SF configuration at my local machine gun matches but the funny thing is once I switched over the U45 setup, I haven't switched back!!! I now shoot the matches with the U45 setup only because it is soooooo smooth and I can easily pull singles with it! I think the BRP guns are the best value in the full auto world for those of us who really want to shoot machine guns and not just leave them in the safe as an investment. These guns are super reliable but if you do have problem, Brian is always there to help. He stands behind his product 100%!
I recently purchased A U9/45 which is a two caliber setup in 9mm and 45acp. And a Suppressor.I have been shooting the 9mm setup and when my neighbor tried it, he said its a "must have"!. The I switched it over to 45 in about 5 minutes . And now he has to own one!!! I can shoot 1 inch groups at 25 yards in semi automatic mode, either caliber. I own a few Full Autos and by far this is the most fun. And the fact that its modular like a "transformer" makes it even more fun. Accurate-Super accurate. I can nail steel plates at 25 yards as fast as I can pull the trigger.With only a 1x optic, I can put bullets into the same hole Reliable- No malfunctions at all. Controlleable-Its slow cyclic rate and the bolt and buffer system enables me to keep all the rounds on a IDPA target in full auto!!! Maintenance-Easy. It breaks down and comes apart so effortlessly.Anything that could possible wear out is easy to replace. Service- You will experience the best customer service you ever had.When you talk to Brian , you know he is not reading from a list of answers to commonly asked questions. Great Support!!! Haris
Met with Brian May 2018. Got a tour of the company and shop. Then to the range for a few hours of shooting. The gun sells itself. Bought it that day. It is still with the SOT, a friend of mine, and we had it out at the range today. I've fired an array of automatic weapons and this is my favorite. You should have seen his 13 year old daughter accurately placing the rounds on target. The gun is awesome. Thanks Brian.